
A new model of smart procuratorial services is built with the help of technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to improve the comprehensive case handling capabilities and levels of procuratorial organs. Remote court hearings, remote arraignment, remote service, remote visits, video conferencing, mobile office APP, front-end audio and video and remote case discussion and other case handling services are integrated holistically to build a data resource system, share multi-dimensional data resources, and realize unified management and command of procuratorial services and three-level linkage between provinces, cities and counties. Big data analysis is applied and focuses on the display of key indicator data in investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement, criminal offence trend analysis, overall situation of risk warning, etc., fully embodies the data-driven decision-making and analysis capabilities, assists the management in real-time control of the current case-handling work, and provides quantitative data basis for follow-up work, policy control and major decision-making. The "3 remotes + 1 network", i.e. remote court hearings, remote arraignment, remote service, and procuratorial network, is one of the key modules in smart procuratorial services and enables “face-to-face” arraignment, trial and service without meeting in court when the judge is in the courtroom, prosecutor in the case handling area and defendant in the detention center, effectively alleviates the problem of having too many cases but few judges, and prevents prosecutors from going back and forth during case handling, so that they can spend more time and energy on case review and evidence analysis, which will greatly improve the quality and efficiency of case handling and enhance the quality and level of procuratorial work.

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