
Smart logistics is the only way for the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry. Driven by policies, technologies, business models, etc., logistics development has evolved from extensive logistics to systematic logistics, electronic visualized logistics, intelligent logistics, and then to smart logistics. China has introduced a series of favorable policies, such as Opinions on Deepening the Implementation of the "Internet Plus Logistics" Action Plan, Implementation Opinions on "Internet Plus Efficient Logistics", and New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, to provide policy support for the development of smart logistics. Based on Greatech G-WMS® platform and with use of ICT technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and 5G, material management system, AGVs, dispatch system, navigation system, automatic charging system, 5G network system and three-dimensional shelves are integrated holistically. Unmanned loading, unloading, and adjustment of materials or products are achieved through real-time data interaction between automatic intelligent equipment (AGVs, etc.) and the central dispatch subsystem and the intelligent material management system, accelerating inventory turnover, replacing manual operations, avoiding safety risks of manual operations, improving work efficiency, reducing labor costs, and providing strong support for safe production, staff reduction and efficiency improvement.

Customer value
  1. Integration of AGV and smart material management system, automatic acceptance of and feedback on inbound, outbound and adjustment instructions, automatic cargo space allocation and automatic loading and adjustment by AGV, and automatic unloading by AGV according to stores requisition;

  2. Control and dispatching of AGVs, real-time understanding of the equipment status, location, working status, parameter settings, instructions received, etc. of each controlled AGV, and automatic management;

  3. Automatic charging of AGV batteries to meet the automation and intellectualization requirements of AGV system;

  4. Industrial application of advanced 5G communication technology.
