
Use integration, structuralization, process, visualization and intelligence technologies to build an integrated system for monitoring and dispatching, emergency command, and on-site response under both normal and emergency conditions to realize standardized process driven daily management and control and emergency command.

Integrated management and control

Cover the whole process of safety and environmental management, and realize automatic linkage control of monitoring and early warning

Combination of daily and emergency management

Cover the whole process of daily management and emergency management, with no need to switch platforms for dispatching command and emergency command

Standardized process

Follow the procedures of “information receiving and reporting, information analysis, emergency preparedness, emergency response, emergency command, emergency termination, and emergency treatment” stipulated in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Emergency Response, and conduct emergency response in compliance with laws and regulations

Structured plan

Structured modeling and command breakdown of emergency plans, and integrated presentation of emergency plan instructions with post personnel, communication methods, and instruction execution feedback, etc.

Intelligent analysis

Automatically identify the risk category, level and development trend and intelligently recommend the emergency response plan according to dynamic perception and monitoring data and the calculation and analysis of the risk alert model

Customer value
  1. Combination of daily and emergency management with daily monitoring, dispatching command, emergency command, and on-site response handled on a unified platform throughout the entire process;

  2. Integration of management and control with abnormal state alarm and intelligent linkage response configured on a unified platform;

  3. Coordination of safety, environmental protection, equipment, production and other disciplines on a unified platform to improve the efficiency of emergency response;

  4. Structured breakdown and command tracking of emergency plans to improve the applicability of the plans.

Application scenarios
  1. Park version: applicable for large enterprises, e.g. those with over 10 production units, integrated 10 Mt/a refining and 1 Mt/a ethylene projects, etc.;

  2. Enterprise version: applicable for medium-sized enterprises, e.g. those with 6-10 production units, 5-10 Mt/a refining and 0.3-1 Mt/a ethylene projects, etc.;

  3. Standard version: applicable for small enterprises, e.g. those with 2-5 production units, natural gas processing plants with a capacity of 2-5 billion cubic meters per year, 1-5 Mt/a refining projects, etc.;

  4. Simplified version: applicable for micro-enterprises, e.g. single units, gas stations, oil (gas) tanks, etc.
