
Based on Greatech G-SES® cloud platform and the smart park concept and with use of ICT technologies, such as IoT, cloud computing, big data, AI and integrated communication, the integrated monitoring and early warning system, integrated safety system, integrated environmental protection system, multi-source data collection gateway, GIS, and integrated emergency command system are integrated to build an integrated monitoring, warning and management platform for safety, environmental protection, production, security, logistics, facilities and equipment, and emergency rescue and improve the integrated park operation management system for safety, environmental protection, emergency response, services, etc. The dynamics of safety, environment, production, public safety and emergency rescue in the park are displayed in a map-based, real-time manner, and the category and level based management and control of the park is visualized through the Safety Monitoring OneMap, Environmental Monitoring OneMap, Energy Monitoring OneMap, Security and Protection OneMap, Economic Operation OneMap, Integrated Emergency Response OneMap, etc., to improve the administrative management and business collaboration in the park, realize the optimization of park infrastructure, refined operation management, informatization of functional services, and intelligentization of industrial development, and build a safe, innovative, green, coordinated, smart park.

Customer value
  1. Smart safety supervision: integration of monitoring, early warning and governance to fully ensure work safety in the park;

  2. Smart environmental protection: all-weather, park-wide, and whole-process environmental monitoring and disposal;

  3. Smart energy management: online monitoring of energy consumption, identification of abnormalities in energy consumption, and improved overall energy efficiency;

  4. Smart security management: all-round dynamic control of park entrances and exits, roads, perimeters and critical locations;

  5. Smart emergency response: scientific decision-making, unified dispatching, integrated command, and coordinated collaboration.
